I've shamelessly grabbed some bits of it to add to the montage of clips I've made based on the time-lapse camera footage... it's a mashed-together time lapse replayed at varying speeds, I'm still not utterly convinced it's a good idea. The sped-up time lapse is a bit disconcerting. But for those on board who wish to relive the race or for those watching wanting to know what conditions were like at varying points, well - it's all there. It's just quite fast in places.
12 November 2013
Video montage(s) from Brothers Race
Joerg has posted a great video from Blink on YouTube from our Brothers race last saturday (see previous blog entry below) ... I'll post it here as soon as I can find it via the Blogger upload feature. In the meantime, here's the link
I've shamelessly grabbed some bits of it to add to the montage of clips I've made based on the time-lapse camera footage... it's a mashed-together time lapse replayed at varying speeds, I'm still not utterly convinced it's a good idea. The sped-up time lapse is a bit disconcerting. But for those on board who wish to relive the race or for those watching wanting to know what conditions were like at varying points, well - it's all there. It's just quite fast in places.
I've shamelessly grabbed some bits of it to add to the montage of clips I've made based on the time-lapse camera footage... it's a mashed-together time lapse replayed at varying speeds, I'm still not utterly convinced it's a good idea. The sped-up time lapse is a bit disconcerting. But for those on board who wish to relive the race or for those watching wanting to know what conditions were like at varying points, well - it's all there. It's just quite fast in places.
Fantastic, missing you all ! Paul
ReplyDeleteWow that awesome T&W missing sailing with ya all !