6 September 2015

New Season about to start

Blink's program for 2015

- Opening Day / Ambassador's Race (will we once again semi-submerge an ambassador?) 19 Sept
- Inshore Season Championship begins 3 October, most Saturdays after that
- Eye Registrars 'harbour cruise' 18 October
- First offshore for the season (Brothers Islands Race) 31 October
- Waikawa - Wellington ('Sav Blanc Race') 6 November
- Port Underwood - Ship Cove Race 14 November
- Cook Strait Classic 19 November

- 2-handed offshore training: TW + VW + coach, to be arranged ...

and big targets for 2016:
- 2-handed Central Triangle Offshore 19 Feb - 4 March
[- Likely to do Fiji (fully crewed offshore) June 2016 and then maybe Airlie Bay Race Week (Aus)]